Unlock Financial Freedom: Why Starting to Invest in Your 20s is a Game Changer

Donald F. Morgan, AIF®,CPFA® |

Start Young: The Power of Investing Early

You’re never too young to start investing. In fact, the earlier you begin, the more potential you have for substantial earnings, thanks to the magic of compounding.

The Snowball Effect of Compounding

Imagine a snowball rolling down a hill, growing larger as it collects more snow. That’s essentially what compounding does to your money. By reinvesting your earnings, your investment grows exponentially over time.

Hypothetical Illustration of Compounding

Let's break it down with a hypothetical example. Suppose you invest $1,000 at age 20 and let it grow without adding any more money. If you assume a 7.2% annual return, by the time you hit 70, that $1,000 could grow to around $32,000. Not too shabby, right?

But what if you wait until you're 30 to start? With the same annual return, that $1,000 would only grow to about $16,000 by age 70. That's a 50% decrease compared to starting at 20.

Now, consider investing $1,000 at age 20 and contributing an additional $83 a month (which is about $1,000 a year) until you turn 70. Assuming the same 7.2% annual return, your total savings could reach an impressive $465,000. That's nearly 15 times the first example and 30 times the second.

The Rule of 72

There’s a handy formula to estimate how long it will take for your investment to double through compounding: the Rule of 72. Simply divide 72 by your annual rate of return. The result gives you an approximate number of years it will take to double your investment.

For example, with a 9% annual return, it would take about 8 years (72 divided by 9) for your investment to double. While this formula doesn’t guarantee results, it offers a useful estimate of how quickly your savings can grow through compounding.

Real-Life Considerations

These examples illustrate the power of compounding, but remember, they are hypothetical and not representative of any specific situation. Real investment returns will vary due to fees, market conditions, and other factors. Investing always involves risks, including the potential loss of principal.

Crafting Your Investment Strategy

Creating a solid investment strategy is essential. Whether you're just starting or looking to optimize your current plan, consider reaching out to a professional. Advisors like Donald Morgan at Independent Wealth Connections can help tailor a strategy to meet your financial goals.

Getting Started

To kickstart your investment journey, get in touch with Donald Morgan at 509-931-1088 or donald.morgan@independentwealthconnections.com. Building an investment portfolio when you're young can set the stage for long-term financial success.

Final Thoughts

Investing early leverages the power of compounding to maximize your earnings over time. Don’t wait to start; the sooner you begin, the more potential your money has to grow.


Contact Information

For personalized advice and strategies:

Donald Morgan, AIF®, CPFA®

Phone: 509-931-1088

Text: 509-257-3788

Email: donald.morgan@independentwealthconnections.com

Website: Independent Wealth Connections


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is compounding in investing?

Compounding in investing refers to the process where the value of an investment increases because the earnings on an investment, both capital gains, and interest, earn interest as time passes.

2. How does starting to invest early benefit me?

Starting to invest early takes advantage of compounding, allowing your investments more time to grow exponentially, which can result in significantly higher returns compared to starting later.

3. What is the Rule of 72?

The Rule of 72 is a simple formula to estimate the number of years required to double the invested money at a given annual rate of return. Divide 72 by the annual rate of return to get the approximate number of years.

4. Are there risks involved in investing early?

Yes, all investments carry risks, including the potential loss of principal. It’s important to diversify your portfolio and possibly consult a financial advisor to mitigate risks.

5. How can I start investing with limited funds?

You can start investing with limited funds through various avenues like employer-sponsored retirement plans, low-cost index funds, and micro-investing apps that allow you to invest small amounts of money.


Invest wisely, start early, and let the power of compounding work for you!

This material is for general information only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. There is no assurance that the views or strategies discussed are suitable for all investors or will yield positive outcomes. Investing involves risks including possible loss of principal.

The rule of 72 is a mathematical concept and does not guarantee investment results nor functions as a predictor of how an investment will perform. It is an approximation of the impact of a targeted rate of return. Investments are subject to fluctuating returns and there is no assurance that any investment will double in value.

This material was prepared by LPL Financial, LLC